A special bag for trekking, hunting expeditions and survival in the wilderness under extreme conditions, the Carinthia Wilderness is a superb extreme-cold bag. Besides fulfilling the requirements of superior warmth-to-weight ratio and small stuff size, the bag was designed with freedom of movement in mind. By opening the zipper at the bottom you can get your feet out to walk around. The foot end can be tied up so that you can wear the bag like a coat. Wilderness also has two parallel side zippers with a thermo-stitched draft tube in between. When both zips are closed there is less internal space to be heated and extra insulation space between the outer and inner layers, making the bag warmer. Undo the inner zipper for more space and superb sleeping comfort. Available with zipper on right or left.
This bag was designed for the special needs of the army, with special attention paid to maximum mobility in extreme conditions. The sleeping bag has sleeves which are stored between the shell and the insulation layers when not in use. They can also be used as pockets for small items, such as a torch, etc. Velcro closures on the outer protection flaps and zipers on the inside prevent heat loss. Knitted synthetic gloves are attached for additional warmth. They enable you to cook, write and use your hands without having to get out of the bag. You can even wear the bag like a coat if you want to step outside the tent briefly. Just open the zipper along the bottom, fold the bag up and fasten it to the buckles at the back. All Survival Line bags (Wilderness, Survival One and Survival Down) have adjustable draft collars to prevent heat loss at the shoulders. The draft collar also prevents the bag from slipping off when you are using it as a coat. When used as a coat, the draft collar has to be closed and tightened in order to carry the weight of the sleeping bag on the shoulders |
Comfort limit -20c.
Extreme limit -42c.
2.900 g |
Stuff size compressed
28x45 cm |