Phantomleaf Python G1 Rifle Cover
The PHANTOMLEAF® PYTHON WEAPON COVER G1 is a tube of G1 fine mesh in WASP 2 pattern and is designed for you to shape and modify for concealing any long-arm, even when fitted with optics, bi-pods and acceories. Approx. 147 cm long and with a total of 16 camo loops, you can quickly attach 3D PHANTOMLEAF® PYTHON LEAVES, Mil-Tec Ghillie Suit Threads or any other material to provide additional concelament and boundary distruption.
Follow the video link to see how to fit your rifle.
- 16 loops for attaching camouflage material.
- Rounded cut edges to minimize drop shadows.
- Excelent IR remission.
- Dimensions147 x 48 cm.
- Weight 145g.
- Made in Germany.