Gearskin Laser-Cut Patch Circle
There's not much more annoying in the field than getting a small hole or tear in your clohting or gear! That means time sewing it up or leaving to to get worse. Instead, use a Gearskin laser-cut patch to temporaily patch in the field or to make a near permanent repair when you get home. Gearskin's special adhesive will allow you to patch in the field by simply peeling off the backing and covering the hole from either the inside or the outside. At home, do the same but iron the patch to get a very strong, almost permanent bond to the fabric. Gearsking patches can be used on all sorts of fabrics as well as your pack, hootchie or rain coat to cover the dmage and stop it from getting worse.
Each Gearskin Patch set contains:
- 4 x 5cm diameter patches.
- 4 x 2cm diameter patches.
- 1 x instruction sheet.